
Exsercise 7


Exsercise 6


Exsercise 8

Using mobile phones in Teaching and Learning The lowest of all was that “ Mobile phone  is a distraction to the classroom activities” and “If  teachers  allow students to  use mobile phones  in the class, they will be used for cheating” both (M ¼ 2.62). With that, there is a general positive tendency toward the  use of mobile phones  for  learning  and  teaching  purposes.


What is Video Conferencing? Video conferencing is a technology that allows users in different locations to hold face-to-face meetings without having to move to a single location together. This technology is particularly convenient for business users in different cities or even different countries because it saves time, expense, and hassle associated with business travel. Uses for video conferencing include holding routine meetings,  negotiating  business deals, and interviewing job candidates. How Video Conferencing Works Video conferencing's main advantage over teleconferencing is that users can see each other, which allows them to develop stronger relationships. When a video conference is held for informal purposes, it is called a video call or video chat. There are a variety of ways video conferencing can be conducted. Individuals may use web cameras connected to our built into laptop, tablet, or desktop computers. Smartphones equipped with cameras


An  interactive whiteboard  ( IWB ) is a large  interactive  display in the  form factor  of a  whiteboard . It can either be a standalone  touchscreen   computer  used independently to perform tasks and operations, or a connectable apparatus used as a  touchpad  to control computers from a  projector . They are used in a variety of settings, including  classrooms  at all levels of  education , in  corporate  board rooms and work groups, in training rooms for  professional sports coaching , in  broadcasting   studios , and others. The first interactive whiteboards were designed and manufactured for use in the office. They were developed by  PARC  around 1990. This board was used in small group meetings and round-tables. The interactive whiteboard industry was expected to reach sales of  US$ 1 billion worldwide by 2008; one of every seven classrooms in the world was expected to feature an interactive whiteboard by 2011 according to market research by Futuresource Consulting. [1]