how tablets may be used effectively in the classroom to engage students and further learning.
  1. Virtual Field Trips
It is unlikely you will be able to take your students on field trips to every destination you cover in class; however, with a tablet, your students can go on virtual field trips anywhere. Some websites are even designed with this mind providing 360-degree video.
  1. Research
Tablets are mobile internet devices; therefore, it is a portable research tool for the classroom. Students can research topics without having to leave their desks.
  1. Reading and Listening to Books
E-books are specifically designed for use on tablets, so it makes sense to allow students to use their tablets for reading in the classroom. Additionally, tablets have speakers, which allow for easy listening to audiobooks or text-to-speech e-books.
  1. Radio and Podcasts
Using apps such as Tune In Radio, students can listen to music, radio shows, and podcasts from all over the world on their tablets.
  1. Presentations and Projects
Poster board projects are a thing of the past. Now, students can have tons of options for creating multimedia projects, comics, books, music, and more on a tablet. These projects can be shared and shown on your Smartboard.
  1. Photography
Tablets have cameras, and with the right photography editing app, your students can work on creative projects or simply document class activities.
